Maximize your personal, professional, and team potential
with our in-person or virtual
Bruce A. Thomas Coaching will facilitate a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires group members to maximize their personal and professional potential. Group coaching continues to increase in popularity for coaches and clients alike. Bruce A. Thomas' group coaching brings the coaching conversation into a small group context. It is an intimate conversation space, focused on goal setting, deepening awareness around common leadership themes, taking action, and accountability.
Many clients enjoy the connections formed virtually with other participants, who may be several time zones and countries away.
The Benefits of Group Coaching:
You'll benefit from the peer learning with others, commonly referred to as the collective wisdom of the group. This peer learning is often as important as the interaction with the coach. You'll find the process "less on the spot", giving you and your group more time to reflect and integrate your insights.
Organizations find benefit due to the scalable nature of the process, opening up communication between silos or group members in different parts of the organization. Over time these relationships create a valuable network across an organization. Group coaching can also be positioned as a training follow-on, supporting learners with the transfer and application of their learning, creating an on-going accountability structure. Group coaching is an on-going conversation, which supports change over time.
What does Bruce A. Thomas group coaching look like?
Group coaching takes many forms given that it is driven and shaped by the various needs of different client groups. The group coaching conversation can feel "wide and broad" rather than the deep, deep dive of an individual coaching conversation.
Example #1: A group coaching program for young leaders exploring work life challenges - ongoing in person corporate sessions over several months.
Example #2: Group coaching for new managers as a follow-on to leadership training, with conversations occurring monthly for a specified time period.
Example #3: A three month bi-weekly program offered virtually (by phone or videoconferencing) for business owners, with a mix of small group and individual coaching calls.

Group sessions focus on goal setting, accountability, and action. Each member will have the
space and can contribute in a climate of trust and confidentiality for all participants.